The Confessions of Saint Augustine Still Continue Today
Thank you, God, for this great book I started to read. The Confessions of Saint Augustine. I just started to read it and am grateful I came upon it because the writing style of this individual is similar to the thought processes that I have been experiencing since I started to seek you out. All these thoughts and questions come to me and at times I feel overwhelmed because I do not know the answers, but the questions keep mounting up exponentially. In my heart I deposit these questions and searching for you has not entirely answered to completeness, but has calmed me down instead with the promise of thorough answers at the end of a well-offered life. We as individuals think that we’re the only ones struggling with our heavenly calling vs our fleshly desires. We are animals that to me is clear. In some way, we came from the evolution process. You might have intervened at some point to make us (humans). That means that we also have earthly desires. When we were just animals these desires kept us alive and made sure that we survived and created new generations, but now that we are more than just animals those same urges that ensured our survival act as our sins. We want to have sex with as many people as possible and eat just before our belly burst. We detest work and anything that forces us to do the will of anyone else but our own. Only when we seek you do our perspective change. Our joys change. Our rest change. Our outer reflection changes.
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash